The employees of NRG Energy of Princeton, NJ have selected Camp Fatima of NJ to be one of three charitable organizations to participate in its’ fall 2019 NRG Gives campaign, the company’s crowdsourced charitable program. Each charity will vie for $65,000 in donations from NRG during a public voting period that runs from 9:00 a.m. Monday, October 21 through 11:59 p.m., Sunday, October 27. The donation amount each charity receives will be determined by the percentage of votes they generate out of the total votes received.
Camp Fatima of NJ is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to providing free summer camp and recreational programming to individuals with developmental disabilities from school age through adulthood. In doing so Camp Fatima also provides respite to caregivers of the campers.
To vote:
1) Participants should visit the NRG Gives voting site at and choose Camp Fatima
2) Participants must enter their mobile phone number and click “Confirm” to receive a text message to confirm their vote
3) Participants need to open the text message and click the confirmation link to log the vote.
4) Participants can vote once per day per mobile phone number
5) Voting opens Oct 21 at 9 AM EST and ends Oct 27 at 11:59PM EST
Camp Fatima needs your support. Please pass this on to all of your friends and family.
Thank you!
[trx_call_to_action title=”Vote for Camp Fatima of New Jersey” style=”1″ align=”center” accent=”no” custom=”no” link=”” link_caption=”Vote Here!” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”][/trx_call_to_action]