We are pleased to advise you that we have filled the open Programs Director board position. We were fortunate to have several qualified candidates apply for this role. The Board has selected Regina Smith, who will start immediately.
Regina has been a volunteer at Camp Fatima since 2002. She has participated in the adult weekends and the summer camp programs. She has been on activities, reserve as well as a counselor so you can just imagine her high energy level. Regina’s professional experiences include being a special education teacher for seven years. She recently completed law school and is now preparing for the bar exam in New Jersey while being a full time employee at Disability Rights New Jersey, the state’s protection and advocacy agency.
Recapping our board makeup:
Chairperson-Bill Malone
Fundraising-Tim Dolan
Governance-Bill Malone
Long Term Planning- Joan Lacagina
Marketing- Kevin Denman
Programs- Regina Smith
With hopeful aspirations, we have commenced planning for 2021 camp. Due to Covid, the need for new, socially distant means to raise funds is heightened so several items are being worked on which we’ll announce shortly.
As the year is drawing to a close, we wish you and yours a happy and safe holidays. Thanks for your continued support in keeping the Fatimagic alive.